Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Michael's monthly message - June 2008

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for June 2008!

Well it seems there is never a dull moment out there with Mother Nature. Let's see, there was a major earthquake in China that left over 70 thousand dead, 19 thousand missing and 5 million homeless. There was an earthquake in Iceland where many were injured but nobody was killed. There was devastating tornados in Iowa and Kansas that left many dead and even more injured and homeless. And, in Burma a deadly cyclone left 78 thousand dead, 56 thousand missing and 2.4 million homeless, and I'm only scratching the surface. Gee, Sometimes I wonder what message Mother Nature is trying to tell us. But for now, we need to keep them all in prayer.

Alright, changing subjects. I don't know how many of you have had a close relationship with your Father, but regardless of how bad or how good, I hope you will remember them on June 15th this year. In case anyone forgot it's Father's day and life being so uncertain (as I mentioned in the opening paragraph) it's time to acknowledge your feelings with a nice card or phone call because you never know when it might be too late.

Personally, I never had a close relationship with my dad. However, one thing I learned after coming to prison was how much love he had for me while growing up and even now after my being in prison. Though most men have a hard time expressing their feelings, I've started to understand that a lot of us get caught up in the fast pace of the world and forget to enjoy or remember the little things or special moments we did share with our Fathers. Since I have had a lot of time to reflect on my life while being in prison, I've come to realize I did have some special moments in my life with my dad. From playing in the Father/Son golf tournaments, to him watching me score touchdowns at my high school football games, to important things like rushing me to the medical center when I severely cut my leg. Not to mention him rooting for me when I received my high school diploma, and I will never forget all the Patriots tickets so my buddy Dave and I could go to the games. There are many more, but my point is sometimes we can get caught up in what society depicts as a good father and forget to be grateful for the one we have. So, with that said, Happy Father's Day dad---I love you!

Of course, all this talk of Fathers leads me into the sad situation I find myself concerning my daughters. As time goes on the only memories they might have left of me will soon be gone. Especially, since I am no longer in their lives. Plus, they have a new step-dad to build solid memories with. So the old saying: "out of sight out of mind" applies pretty well.
I don't know how many of you watch the Ghost Whisperer on CBS Friday nights but the season finale brought tears to my eyes because she found out who her real Father was. The ghost of the man in prison happens to be her Father who was set up by the District Attorney. I can't explain the whole story but in the end she found out he was innocent and loved her very much, So, all she wanted to do was catch up on all she missed out. But it was one word that made the difference; she called him "dad" and in that moment nothing else mattered, and he was able to see the light and cross-over. It brought back memories of hearing my oldest daughter's first words: "dada." Yeah, I really miss being a dad and part of me is still upset that it was taken from me just to make a local District Attorney look good and appease a small town community. But I guess on some level I have to let that go and hope, I mean really hope, that my daughters will talk to me again someday. But if not, I want them to know: I will always love you guys with every part of my being.

Before I close concerning Fathers, I want to give a special note of appreciation to Dick Blanchard. His devotion to my cause has been one of a Father for his son and it means so much to me that he believes in my innocence and has devoted much of his life in raising awareness about my wrongful conviction. Dick, I am honored to have you as a friend in my life, and you will always have a special place in my heart. Though words will never do it justice, from the bottom of my heart---Thank you!

Speaking of thank you, I want to give a special thank you you to all of you who sacrificed your hard earned money and donated to my defense fund. We reached the goal for the second phase and the Private Investigator is hard at work with some good leads that may turn out to be very promising. This would not have been possible without all of you. So once again Thank you!
My movie recommendation might seem a little unusual but if you are open minded spiritually and would love to see a very entertaining movie with your sons and daughters or even grandsons and grand daughter, I recommend "The Golden Compass." It's a very well done movie with some great special effects and movie stars. It has Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Sam Elliot, the voice of Ian Kellen as the ice bear and a wonderfully talented young actress Dakota Blue. I promise your children or grandchildren who are 14 and under will love it. Matter of fact it would be an opportune time for Fathers to bond with their young daughters. Please take advantage of this recommendation.

My profound quote is: "Sometimes we don't see the results of when we do good things but that doesn't mean we should stop doing them." (My name is Earl).

Until next month, take care and remember; "the answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love and light to all,

1 comment:

rjb2020 said...

This is the first post on Michael's new Blog. One of the purposes of this blog is to post Michael's Monthly Messages. By using the blog format it will allow you (readers of the blog) to make comments about Michael's Monthly Message and/or anything else that's on the blog. This will provide a more interactive discussion between MIchael, you and this web site. I hope you find this new feature helpful.