Saturday, December 19, 2009

Michael O'Laughlin's Monthly Message - December 2009

Family, Friends & Supporters,

Welcome to my monthly message for December 2009.

Finally, my mother and Harry are home! What a journey this has been. I found myself in another situation where I received an education in an area about which I knew nothing (health care). I have to admit, I really do feel sorry for everyone who has to deal with a serious health problem and doesn't have insurance or doesn't have an advocate to help them while they are in the hospital. It is a tough situation that requires a lot of strength and patience.

For now, I am grateful to be at home with my mom, Harry and Karley (the German shepherd) my new BFF. Hopefully, someday soon, I will be able to express my gratitude to all of you who lent your support and helped me get through this challenge. On some level, I think the Lord and all the Angels knew I couldn't do it alone.

At the present moment, I'm a little down because I still haven't seen my daughters to let them know how much I love them. So I'm sorry for the unusually short message this month. Most recently, the Federal District judge just denied another request for me to have curfew so I could receive medical attention, see my dad and aunt, and talk with my close friend, Diane B. who is like a 2nd mother to me. The judge's decision is completlely unreasonable, because he is punishing me for being innocent. However, I guess there is a spiritual lesson in there somewhere.

Anyways, I need to snap out of it, because there is no need to play the victim's role in this. By the grace of God, I was able to help my mom through her ordeal and be there for my step father as best I could. Isn't that the Christmas spirit-to be able to help others? Even though I would be there-no matter what-regardless if it wasn't Christmas. Plus, I ended up meeting some very lovely nurses in the process. And yes, I have a new-found respect for nurses, because it takes a special person to commit to that role. Doctors, on the other hand-well let's just say, I'm working on it.

To all of you who continue to keep me in prayer, I would appreciate a special prayer on January 8th. That is the day my case is scheduled for conference in the U.S. Supreme Court. They will then decide whether ot not to take my case. This has been weighing heavily on my heart along with everything else. I would like to be there for my mom in the future; but if the court rules otherwise, then I must go back to prison. I believe the determining factor will be everyone staying positive, especially me. Who knows, maybe there will be a great ending to this saga.

In closing, I saw a really nice quote on the wall of the rehabilitation center where my mother was staying so I will share it with all of you. "IT IS NOT THE LENGTH OF LIFE, BUT THE DEPTH OF LIFE" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Yes, that one made me stop and evaluate the depth of my life for a moment.

Okay, well I wish everyone lots of love this holiday season and may everyone be blessed with great opportunity in the up-coming year. If for some reason, I missed sending you a Christmas card ot thanking you for something you sent me, I truly apologize, because that is not my intention. I think the Dalai Lama says it best: "COMPASSION IS THE WISH FOR ANOTHER TO BE FREE FROM SUFFERING; LOVE IS WANTING THEM TO HAVE HAPPINESS." As I siad lots of love to everyone!

Until next month, take care and remember, "the answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Michael O'Laughlin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!