Thursday, December 18, 2008

December Monthly Message

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:

Welcome to my Monthly Message for December 2008!

It’s my second Christmas here at OCCC, and I’m finally getting settled in. I just finished taking another program “Speaking Without Fear”. I was approached by the President of the program, and he asked if I would be interested in teaching the class. It’s for Toastmasters International so I told him if he needs my help, I would be more than happy to teach the class. I guess my “gift of gab” has finally paid off. Then, almost on the same day, I received more good news. No, I didn’t receive news that my case was reversed in the Federal Court yet. And No, I didn’t receive news from the Guardian-ad-litem that my daughters want to see me. That would be great news. However, I was finally given a job after eight years of trying to get one. I make a dollar a day, and I get 2 ½ good days a month off my sentence. Basically, all I do is sweep and mop a hallway at night so I really can’t complain.

All right, enough about me – let’s get to the reason everyone loves December – Christmas! Okay, I know it’s just another Christmas with buying more gifts and probably going deeper in debt when our country isn’t too financially sound at the moment. But remember, this is a time to be with children and as I have said before - watching children open their presents is priceless. Although, if you really want to make children happy, spend some quality time with them. Also, if you have a chance, try to spend some time with the elderly, because they’re really just children at heart too.

Speaking of the elderly, this reminds me of one of my favorite commercials. As crazy as it sounds, I believe this commercial expresses what true love would look like if you could actually see it without saying a word. The commercial starts with a couple in their thirties walking on a path through the park when they quickly approach an elderly couple from behind. As the younger couple goes around them and passes them, the younger woman looks back over her right shoulder and notices how content and peaceful the older couple is and sees that they are holding hands to show that they are still very much in love. At that moment while never breaking stride in their walk, the younger woman looks at her husband or boyfriend and reaches down and grabs his hand as to signify she wants that too. The camera pans down to the younger couple’s hands and you see the diamond on her finger. Then the voice over says something like “only two things last forever”. I understand they are trying to sell diamonds, but they also portrayed in a simple commercial with no words the power and beauty of love. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the hopeless romantic in me, but I enjoyed the commercial very much. Regardless of the fact I was betrayed, I still believe in true love and will always show love to another when given the chance. Maybe this Christmas we could all try to give a little extra love and attention to a special someone. Please don’t make the same mistake I did and take them for granted.

Before I end this message, I want to express my gratitude for everyone’s thoughtfulness and kindness concerning my situation. I want to take a moment to thank everyone for your love, prayers, and support. Also, thank you for all the nice Christmas cards. If you don’t receive a card from me this year, I apologize because I try to send everyone I know a Christmas card. It is my way of sending a small gift of love by showing my appreciation for remembering me. In addition, I want to thank everyone who visited me this year. A special thanks to my Mom, Pam, Barbara, and Phil for your true dedication in visiting me so often. I hope you enjoy your visits as much as I do. To Dick “the angel in disguise” – without all of your hard work, none of this would be possible. From the bottom of my heart – Thank You! To Diane Blaszka, my great friend who is like a second mother, I’m sorry we were not able to meet this year, but my heart goes out to you, and I can’t wait to see you next year. To my Mom, Dad, and Aunt, I want to say “thank you” for always loving me no matter how many mistakes I made in life. I wish you the best and I love you very much. To all of my good friends and best friend, Dave, thank you for sharing part of your life with me. I will never forget all the great times we had together. Ralph, you’re the best story teller ever – thank you!

Now for the hard part – sending a short message to my daughters who might never read this. Nonetheless, I have to say this just in case. To my daughters, I’m sorry I can’t mention you by name, but I’m not allowed to. However, I hope some day you both find it in your hearts to talk with me. For now, I want you to know that I love you from the core of my soul and even if you are mad at me or even hate me, I will always love you. I believe as you get older and understand love from a parent’s perspective you might then realize how much I have missed you and how much I love you.

This leads me into my movie recommendation which is the same as it was last year “It’s a Wonderful Life”. To anyone who has seen this movie, you would have to agree it is quite remarkable. To my daughters, I hope you take the time to watch this movie some day, because it depicts the true gift of hope and love like no other. Also, one last thing, when you watch the movie, please think of me because that’s how much I love you guys.

My profound statement is: “The ones that love us - never really leave us” (unknown).

I know this message has been long, but I want to share one last thing with everyone, and that is my favorite Christmas song. It is called “Breath of Heaven” by Amy Grant. My former best friend shared this song with me, and I promise it will be one of the most beautiful songs you will ever hear. It literally brings tears to my eyes. Please check it out (Amy Grant – “Breath of Heaven”).

Well everyone, may the Lord bless you all this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

Until next month, take care and remember: The key to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love and Light to ALL


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas Michael

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Christmas can be a very lonely time for people in prison. This will be Michael's 9th Christmas in prison, away from his family and friends. It is bad enough for prisoners that are guilty but just try to imagine how tragic it is for people like Michael that are in prison having been wrongfully convicted.

During this holiday season when we are fortunate enough to be with family and friends let us remember Michael with a card, an entry in his Guest Book (, and/or a gift. If you choose to send money please remember it has to be in the form of a money order. If you plan on sending a book Michael first needs to get permission and approval of the book... If a book comes and he has not received prior approval, HE has to pay to return to sender.. Books should be ordered through

Let's wish Michael a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and pray that 2009 may bring him the freedom he so justly deserves.

God Bless You,


Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 2008 - Monthly Message

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

Welcome to my monthly message for November 2008!

Finally we have a new President with Barak Obama, and boy is he going to have his hands full. I really hope he can solve some of the serious concerns our country is facing. Besides history being made with our first African American as President, I think as a country we got it right this time. For now, let’s keep him and his family in our prayers so they may receive the strength that will be needed to endure the challenges ahead.

On a different note, I want to thank everyone who remembered me on my birthday, and an extra “thank you” to those who were able to send a gift. As some of you may remember, November and December used to be my favorite time of the year. Unfortunately, it has now become the most painful. However, I am grateful for the memories, and I continue to pray that some day I will receive my freedom so I can share with my children the beauty of this time of the year.

No, they still have not given me a job yet. But, I was fortunate enough to have been placed on the list for the “advanced” Alternative to Violence Program. I am so glad I was chosen, because I met some very beautiful people. If Donna, Dave, Amy or Wayne read this message, thank you so much for being a part of my life even if it was only for a weekend. What special people you all are to take time out of your busy lives to come and volunteer with prisoners. May you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams for your inspiration, dedication, and sacrifice!

On a sad note, we had another suicide this month. It is weird talking with certain individuals one minute and the next thing you know, they are no longer with us. This will make the third person I have known who committed suicide while in prison. I can’t express how many times I’ve thought of doing the same thing; but thanks to all of you and the support and love I feel from everyone, I was able to suppress those thoughts. I really do sympathize with the families who get that phone call with the news that someone they love took their own life. I guess all we can do is keep the family in our prayers and hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive him.

For those of you who know someone who has lost a family member or friend in Afghanistan or Iraq, there is a website called This website will instruct you on how you can have a beautiful oil base painting of the individual who lost their life. The unbelievable thing is – it is absolutely FREE! So far, they have painted over two thousand fallen service members. This is a great opportunity to show your love to someone who is suffering a tragic loss. Please check out the website. Who knows, you may help a family member to heal and then it will have been worth your time.

Also, don’t forget November is the time for thanksgiving and forgiveness. I hope everyone will try to exercise both of these to the fullest this month. If you think about it, this is the first step in making the world a better place. Oh yeah, and please try to remember it is also Native American Month.

Before I forget, I want to thank everyone for keeping me in their prayers concerning my injuries. Slowly but surely, they are healing.

Well, like I’ve said in my previous Monthly Message, because we can’t watch “R” Rated films anymore, my movie recommendations have become very limited. However, I did see a very entertaining movie this month. It was “Ironman” with Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jeff Bridges. Overall, it was pretty good, and if you are a Marvel Comic fan, you should really enjoy it.

My profound quote is from someone who lately seems to be extremely blessed in his life. Yet, his statement still hit home in my heart. Please take a moment to read the statement more than once so you can feel the true impact. Okay, here it is: “If you’re not living your life to make someone else’s better, then you’re wasting your time” (from Will Smith on Oprah).

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I thank everyone once again for your loving support. Until next month, take care and remember: “the key to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences”.

Love and Light to All

Michael O’Laughlin

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Michael's Birthday

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Michael has a birthday coming up this Wednesday, November 5th. I know how much he enjoys receiving your cards and letters. You can also send him a birthday message by signing his Guest Book located on the home page of his web site at If you choose to send money please remember it has to be in the form of a money order. Books have to be ordered through

Let's all wish Michael a very, very Happy Birthday

God Bless You,

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October's Monthly Message

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for October 2008!

So far I'm enjoying the cool weather of October and it looks like it might be a very good year for a beautiful foliage.

This month is also Breast Cancer Awareness month so let's be mindful of what women all across the country have to go through when they are diagnosed with breast cancer and definitely keep them in our prayers.You know, I never realized that over 40 thousand women a year die of breast cancer. For some reason I use to think that it was curable or worst case scenario, a woman may loose a breast. But I never realized that so many women die. For all you men out there reading this; if you enjoy or appreciate the beauty of women's breasts remember the significance of raising your awareness concerning breast cancer. As men, we need to understand the severity of this situation and be more compassionate to the cause. Hopefully, someday soon there will be a cure.

On a different note, They still won't give me a job. But after eleven months I did manage to squeak loud enough to get into a program called "Alternative to Violence" although the program doesn't give any good-time. Regardless, I enjoyed the program and the people in it which was mostly Hispanic. It got very emotional near the end. One individual shared about his Mother dying a few days before the program started and another shared about losing his two year old nephew who fell out of a window three stories high in Boston about a month ago. I too shared about my building experiences and building homes for my children but explained that they don't live in these homes anymore. I try to hold on to the memories of the children playing around the house but sometimes it's just to painful. It is now five years since I have seen, heard or talked to them and even though my heart is broken it was nice to hear people share about their hardships and misfortunes. There were many in the group who have not seen their family members either. Once again it reminded me how cruel we can be to one another especially when it comes to locking people up in prison and never giving them a second chance. I really hope things change someday. There was one thing that did happen during the program that I did find interesting. It was during an exercise where we had to role play as a celebrity. As we started to think what celebrity we would be, several people told me I was John Travolta. I can't tell you how many times over the course of my life people have said I look like John Travolta, but I never thought it would be in prison. I still don't think I look like him, but I sure wish I had his life.

In financial news, my heart goes out to all of you who are really being affected by the latest stock market crash. It seems our country is in a serious mess. Just make sure everyone takes the time to vote on November 4th.

I received my oral argument transcripts from the Federal Court of Appeals and it seems the judges were actually on my side. It was kind of nice reading something where a judge is questioning my guilt. However, their decision is what matters so we will see what happens. I guess O.J. Simpson wasn't very lucky this time. It will be interesting to see how much time they give him.

I want to wish my dad a Happy Birthday this month, and I hope my daughters remembered their Mother's birthday too.

By any chance did anyone watch David Blaine hang upside down for days? Yeah, he does some crazy stuff, but I have to admit, he pushes the physical limitations of the body to the limit. He really is quite entertaining, and I'm curious what he going to do next.

Okay everyone, Don't forget Sarah McLachlan's new CD "Closer: the Best of Sarah McLachlan" is now available. I can't emphasize enough how good her music is but there's a saying that says music is the bridge between earth and heaven and believe me her music is unbelievable. I promise you will fall in love with her music.

Well everyone, try not to eat too much candy on Halloween, and I will leave you with my profound quote: "Let not your words exceed your deeds." (Abdul--Baha)

Until next month, take care and remember; The key to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love and light to all,


Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 2008 Monthly Message

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

Welcome to my monthly message for September 2008!

I can't believe September is here and almost gone but before I go on about anything else, I want to say I hope everyone watched the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics in Beijing China. Because if you didn't, you not only missed out on one of the most beautiful events in the world, but you missed out on watching history in the making. There's no way I can describe the dedication, commitment, precision and discipline of the Chinese people during the Olympics but it was quite impressive and will probably be unmatched for decades to come. I know China has its mis-givings and deceptions with the government, but overall I truly believe they honored all the athletes from around the world and tried to show who they really are as a people. Needless to say, I watched it everyday and can't wait for the winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada in 2010 (my favorite country).

On a different note, I want to send a special thanks to Liz, Pam, Barbara and Phil, and my Mom for coming to visit with me. I always enjoy your visits, and I know what a sacrifice it is for everyone to take time out of your busy lives. Please know, even though it's a simple visit in a prison visiting room; I cherish every minute. Believe it or not , the visits truly remind me that people do care and have not forgotten about me. It may not seem like much but it helps me get through the moments when I think about giving up. So once again, thank you for your thoughtfulness and sacrifice!

Okay, the next subject I'm going to share is just a fascination I have with science because to me it truly is one of the last unexplored frontiers left. Also, bear with me because I'm trying to explain something that is not my field of expertise. It has to do with the large Hadron Collider at Europe's Cern facility that was turned on this month. The Hadron Collider on the Swiss-French border is a machine that was built which will send a beam of atomic particles (mainly protons atoms) circling in opposite directions on a 17 mile wide loop 300 feet below the surface. When they line up two huge magnetic cores the atoms will collide at speeds close to the speed of light which in and of itself is unbelievable. But physicists hope the collisions reveal the particles responsible for the mass of all other particles. Basically, it's creating dark matter which already takes up 30% of the universe and we still don't fully know everything about dark matter, but ultimately we want to capture and control its energy. And I'm sure everyone can understand why. Also the miniature black holes that will spawn from these collisions are so small that they will dissipate in seconds and are too small to worry about according to Stephen Hawking.

Like I said earlier, I find science and space exploration along with the paranormal fascinating and look forward to the things we will learn from experiments such as the Hadron Collider. This probably explains my love for TV shows in the past like the K-Files and now the new show "Fringe" which seems to be pretty good so far when it comes to learning. My favorite is "Nova Science Now" on PBS.

Before I close, I know most of you reading this message pray for my release and that God's will be done in my life, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, for some reason my body is breaking down. All of a sudden, I have damaged a tendon in my right foot, and I tore or damaged the tendon in my right elbow and now I have torn ligaments in my right knee. It's almost like Tom Brady, but I don't have the best sports doctors in the world nor, do I have a Victoria Secrets supermodel like Giselle to take care of me. So, could you all keep me in prayer for some Divine healing because I'll be honest, from my case, to my children, to my body falling apart I'm not sure how much more pain I can take.

No major movie recommendation this month unless you watch PBS. There is a movie called "Touching the Void" which is a true story about a man's survival after falling in the crevasse of a glacier in the mountains of Peru and having your hiking partner cut the rope and abandon you. Lets just say he learned who he really is and was given the ultimate test of forgiving someone. Sometimes I wonder If I will pass my test of forgiving a certain someone. Regardless, their weakness with indecision makes us stronger. I bet there are a list of you who have been tested with forgiving someone. How do you feel about your decision on whether or not to forgive?

My profound statement is: "To a scientist, uncertainty is a call of the wild." (Nova Science Now).

Until next month take care and remember; the key to mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love and light to all,


Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 2008 Monthly Message

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my Monthly Message for August 2008!

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Although, if you're like me and don't have air-conditioning, then you're probably not enjoying the uncomfortable nights when trying to sleep. My cell is designed exactly like a brick oven. Also, its been brutal trying to run in this heat. I usually run 3 miles five times a week but lately, I've cut back to running only three times a week. I love how good you feel after a run too. Hopefully, my body will hold up over time.

What's interesting here at OCCC, is they still have steel free weights out in the yard. You wouldn't think they would have so many serious weapons readily available around so many violent prisoners---but they do. So far, no one has injured anyone with the weights, and I think it's because guys in prison really look forward to "pumping iron" every day so they don't want to jeopardize that privilege. Another thing that's hard to believe is how strong some of these guys are. Heck, I thought i was pretty strong benching 260 lbs, and curling 115 lbs. but some guys literally laugh at that weight. I've watched individuals do sets of benching 400 lbs. which unless you actually see this up close you won't understand how impressive it is. Of course, there is a big cloud of ego in the weight pit too.

Okay, speaking of running and weight training this reminds me of a great time every four years. Yes, you guessed it, the summer Olympics and it's in Beijing China! I love watching the opening ceremonies and China has so much culture it will be nice to see what they have in store for us. I hope everyone is going to try and watch some of the events. In the swimming department I'm hoping Dara Torres wins a gold medal. She is a new mom who is forty-one years old and competing against women half her age. Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone compete in all the events and when it's finally over, though I will be sad , I know football will be starting the following week. Go Patriots!

Alright, now I want to get a little more serious for a moment. I don't know how many of you know who Randy Paush is but he died on the 25th of last month. He was fighting pancreatic cancer and was given 6 months to live. If you don't know who he is I suggest you view his most famous lecture called "The Last Lecture" and if that lecture doesn't bring a tear; you're not human. There was much I could relate to including his song (Time in a Bottle) by Jim Croce but there was so many other points as well. For example when he says the three most important words to know in life are "Tell the Truth" and he said if he could add three more it would be; "All the Time." Also he explains how he never found anger to make a situation better. And , for us to stop putting so much value in material things because the only thing that really matters in life is family and loving one another. There is so much more, and I wish I could share watching this lecture with my daughters. However, I implore each one of you reading this message to please take a moment out of your fast paced life and look it up on the Internet. I promise you will be changed on some level.

In court news at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, the first trial of a terrorist suspect connected with Osama Bin Laden is going on. Salim Hamdan, the former driver for Osama Bin Laden is facing charges that could land him in prison for life if found guilty. Of course, he was only a driver not a soldier but guess what the media won't tell (unless you watch Jim Lehrer or BBC). If, he is acquitted of all charges and found completely innocent, he still will remain in prison for life because he is considered an enemy combatant. Nice huh! You gotta love our justice system.

On a musical note, "The Best of Sarah McLachan" will be available October 7, 2008 and it will feature 16 tracks including "Possession," "I will Remember You" and "Building a Mystery." Sarah's music really is incredible, and I highly recommend this music CD. I hope my ex-wife has shared some of this music with my daughters because Sarah McLachlan's music really touches your soul in a peaceful way.

One last important issue, I want to wish Dick a Happy Birthday on the 20th of this month. Thank you so much for coming into my life and teaching me the power of friendship by showing true dedication, love and loyalty. You truly have been a blessing in my life, and I will be forever grateful.

My movie recommendation is: "Jumper," This film is a good action film and has an interesting twist, also. It has a few good actors such as Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson and Rachel Bilson. I sure wish I had this gift because I would jump right out of here.

My profound quote is: "Don't let grief become anger because it will never die." (Lost)

Until next month, take care and remember; "The key to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love & Light to all
Michael O'Laughlin

Monday, July 28, 2008

Federal Court of Appeals oral argument

I have just been informed that the Federal Court of Appeals has set the oral argument date for 9/12/08 at 9:30 am for Michael's case in front of this court. This date & time has now been confirmed.

The address where the oral argument will be held is:

US Court of Appeals First Circuit
7710 John Joseph Moakley US Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 2500
Panel Court Room, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02210

The information for the argument is:
Docket #08-1010
Michael O'Laughlin vs. Steven O'Brien

Here is the link for the courthouse:

I'll keep you posted via this blog as further news develops.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Michael's monthly message - July 2008

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for July 2008!

This month marks the one year anniversary of my monthly message. It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by already but it's true. Of course, all of this wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Dick's dedication to my cause. So, I owe him another big "thank you!"

July brings another very special time for me although it is bitter sweet. On July 13th, my youngest daughter will have her eleventh birthday! On the one hand it's awesome that my daughter is growing into a beautiful young lady and experiencing all the wonderful things life has to offer. The downside is, I cannot be there to share with her these memorable times in her life. For now, I can only hope that she knows I love her and miss her very much. Also, let me remind everyone again how important it is not to take your loved ones for granted. I don't think I could ever emphasize that enough but please don't make the same mistake I did. In the meantime, I will continue to work with the spiritual teachings I receive because they do help me accept my situation and ultimately learn that someday I will get my miracle.

Speaking of miracles, they are calling the rescue operation of 15 hostages in Colombia--a miracle. Ingrid Betancourt , the French/Colombian presidential candidate in 2002, has been a hostage along with many others, including three Americans one of which is from Cape Cod. I can't help but think they have been hostages almost as long as I've been incarcerated! That sure is a long time to be in captivity in the Colombian jungle by a crazy guerrilla group. Just think, if she had committed suicide like she wanted to, she wouldn't be enjoying her home coming. Let's keep the remaining 700+ hostages across Colombia in our prayers.

On a different note, our country is now 232 years old as of July 4th of this month. Since 1776, it seems as though Americans have struggled through wars and civil injustices to attain a simple but very important proclamation in the Declaration of Independence--that every person has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, the journey of our country has been tainted with some not so prominent moments such as: slavery, the abuse of Native Americans and the theft of their land, the burning of witches, to the more recent problems of universal health care, the Hurricane Katrina relief, to the controversies over water boarding, warrentless wiretapping and indefinite holding of prisoners in Guantanamo. However, even though our nation has always been far from perfect, I believe that God has raised up the United States and made it a land of opportunity and freedom. Also, regardless of the fact our justice system has failed me and many others, I still believe Americans have a true desire to be the best people they can be.

If you want to see the true integrity of an American first hand take a moment to observe our men and women of the armed forces. If you know someone who is serving in the military or is a veteran please make a special effort to show your appreciation. It takes a special soul to become a soldier and fight for your country. And, the next time you're at a fireworks show look to see how many are the color blue. The reason? Well, it takes barium to mix with other chemical elements to create the blue color so it becomes the most costly color and the most rare. Just a quick fun fact.

One last thing for this message. Between the heat and my becoming extremely sick while trying to write this message, I haven't been my usual heart-felt self so I apologize to all of you. I'm sure next month I'll feel a lot better.

My movie recommendation is: "Vantage Point" but to be honest it really wasn't that great. The reason I'm recommending the movie? There is an unbelievable amount of action and some pretty good stars including Dennis Quaid, Forrest Whitaker, Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Fox and William Hurt. Unfortunately, I don't have much to choose from--we're not allowed R rated movies.

My quote this month is: "Some miracles have a price but that doesn't make them any less profound." (Smallville)

Until next month, take care and remember; "The answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love and light to all,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Michael's monthly message - June 2008

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for June 2008!

Well it seems there is never a dull moment out there with Mother Nature. Let's see, there was a major earthquake in China that left over 70 thousand dead, 19 thousand missing and 5 million homeless. There was an earthquake in Iceland where many were injured but nobody was killed. There was devastating tornados in Iowa and Kansas that left many dead and even more injured and homeless. And, in Burma a deadly cyclone left 78 thousand dead, 56 thousand missing and 2.4 million homeless, and I'm only scratching the surface. Gee, Sometimes I wonder what message Mother Nature is trying to tell us. But for now, we need to keep them all in prayer.

Alright, changing subjects. I don't know how many of you have had a close relationship with your Father, but regardless of how bad or how good, I hope you will remember them on June 15th this year. In case anyone forgot it's Father's day and life being so uncertain (as I mentioned in the opening paragraph) it's time to acknowledge your feelings with a nice card or phone call because you never know when it might be too late.

Personally, I never had a close relationship with my dad. However, one thing I learned after coming to prison was how much love he had for me while growing up and even now after my being in prison. Though most men have a hard time expressing their feelings, I've started to understand that a lot of us get caught up in the fast pace of the world and forget to enjoy or remember the little things or special moments we did share with our Fathers. Since I have had a lot of time to reflect on my life while being in prison, I've come to realize I did have some special moments in my life with my dad. From playing in the Father/Son golf tournaments, to him watching me score touchdowns at my high school football games, to important things like rushing me to the medical center when I severely cut my leg. Not to mention him rooting for me when I received my high school diploma, and I will never forget all the Patriots tickets so my buddy Dave and I could go to the games. There are many more, but my point is sometimes we can get caught up in what society depicts as a good father and forget to be grateful for the one we have. So, with that said, Happy Father's Day dad---I love you!

Of course, all this talk of Fathers leads me into the sad situation I find myself concerning my daughters. As time goes on the only memories they might have left of me will soon be gone. Especially, since I am no longer in their lives. Plus, they have a new step-dad to build solid memories with. So the old saying: "out of sight out of mind" applies pretty well.
I don't know how many of you watch the Ghost Whisperer on CBS Friday nights but the season finale brought tears to my eyes because she found out who her real Father was. The ghost of the man in prison happens to be her Father who was set up by the District Attorney. I can't explain the whole story but in the end she found out he was innocent and loved her very much, So, all she wanted to do was catch up on all she missed out. But it was one word that made the difference; she called him "dad" and in that moment nothing else mattered, and he was able to see the light and cross-over. It brought back memories of hearing my oldest daughter's first words: "dada." Yeah, I really miss being a dad and part of me is still upset that it was taken from me just to make a local District Attorney look good and appease a small town community. But I guess on some level I have to let that go and hope, I mean really hope, that my daughters will talk to me again someday. But if not, I want them to know: I will always love you guys with every part of my being.

Before I close concerning Fathers, I want to give a special note of appreciation to Dick Blanchard. His devotion to my cause has been one of a Father for his son and it means so much to me that he believes in my innocence and has devoted much of his life in raising awareness about my wrongful conviction. Dick, I am honored to have you as a friend in my life, and you will always have a special place in my heart. Though words will never do it justice, from the bottom of my heart---Thank you!

Speaking of thank you, I want to give a special thank you you to all of you who sacrificed your hard earned money and donated to my defense fund. We reached the goal for the second phase and the Private Investigator is hard at work with some good leads that may turn out to be very promising. This would not have been possible without all of you. So once again Thank you!
My movie recommendation might seem a little unusual but if you are open minded spiritually and would love to see a very entertaining movie with your sons and daughters or even grandsons and grand daughter, I recommend "The Golden Compass." It's a very well done movie with some great special effects and movie stars. It has Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Sam Elliot, the voice of Ian Kellen as the ice bear and a wonderfully talented young actress Dakota Blue. I promise your children or grandchildren who are 14 and under will love it. Matter of fact it would be an opportune time for Fathers to bond with their young daughters. Please take advantage of this recommendation.

My profound quote is: "Sometimes we don't see the results of when we do good things but that doesn't mean we should stop doing them." (My name is Earl).

Until next month, take care and remember; "the answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love and light to all,