Monday, July 28, 2008

Federal Court of Appeals oral argument

I have just been informed that the Federal Court of Appeals has set the oral argument date for 9/12/08 at 9:30 am for Michael's case in front of this court. This date & time has now been confirmed.

The address where the oral argument will be held is:

US Court of Appeals First Circuit
7710 John Joseph Moakley US Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 2500
Panel Court Room, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02210

The information for the argument is:
Docket #08-1010
Michael O'Laughlin vs. Steven O'Brien

Here is the link for the courthouse:

I'll keep you posted via this blog as further news develops.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Michael's monthly message - July 2008

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for July 2008!

This month marks the one year anniversary of my monthly message. It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by already but it's true. Of course, all of this wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Dick's dedication to my cause. So, I owe him another big "thank you!"

July brings another very special time for me although it is bitter sweet. On July 13th, my youngest daughter will have her eleventh birthday! On the one hand it's awesome that my daughter is growing into a beautiful young lady and experiencing all the wonderful things life has to offer. The downside is, I cannot be there to share with her these memorable times in her life. For now, I can only hope that she knows I love her and miss her very much. Also, let me remind everyone again how important it is not to take your loved ones for granted. I don't think I could ever emphasize that enough but please don't make the same mistake I did. In the meantime, I will continue to work with the spiritual teachings I receive because they do help me accept my situation and ultimately learn that someday I will get my miracle.

Speaking of miracles, they are calling the rescue operation of 15 hostages in Colombia--a miracle. Ingrid Betancourt , the French/Colombian presidential candidate in 2002, has been a hostage along with many others, including three Americans one of which is from Cape Cod. I can't help but think they have been hostages almost as long as I've been incarcerated! That sure is a long time to be in captivity in the Colombian jungle by a crazy guerrilla group. Just think, if she had committed suicide like she wanted to, she wouldn't be enjoying her home coming. Let's keep the remaining 700+ hostages across Colombia in our prayers.

On a different note, our country is now 232 years old as of July 4th of this month. Since 1776, it seems as though Americans have struggled through wars and civil injustices to attain a simple but very important proclamation in the Declaration of Independence--that every person has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, the journey of our country has been tainted with some not so prominent moments such as: slavery, the abuse of Native Americans and the theft of their land, the burning of witches, to the more recent problems of universal health care, the Hurricane Katrina relief, to the controversies over water boarding, warrentless wiretapping and indefinite holding of prisoners in Guantanamo. However, even though our nation has always been far from perfect, I believe that God has raised up the United States and made it a land of opportunity and freedom. Also, regardless of the fact our justice system has failed me and many others, I still believe Americans have a true desire to be the best people they can be.

If you want to see the true integrity of an American first hand take a moment to observe our men and women of the armed forces. If you know someone who is serving in the military or is a veteran please make a special effort to show your appreciation. It takes a special soul to become a soldier and fight for your country. And, the next time you're at a fireworks show look to see how many are the color blue. The reason? Well, it takes barium to mix with other chemical elements to create the blue color so it becomes the most costly color and the most rare. Just a quick fun fact.

One last thing for this message. Between the heat and my becoming extremely sick while trying to write this message, I haven't been my usual heart-felt self so I apologize to all of you. I'm sure next month I'll feel a lot better.

My movie recommendation is: "Vantage Point" but to be honest it really wasn't that great. The reason I'm recommending the movie? There is an unbelievable amount of action and some pretty good stars including Dennis Quaid, Forrest Whitaker, Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Fox and William Hurt. Unfortunately, I don't have much to choose from--we're not allowed R rated movies.

My quote this month is: "Some miracles have a price but that doesn't make them any less profound." (Smallville)

Until next month, take care and remember; "The answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love and light to all,