Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Michael O'Layghlin's Monthly Message - April 2010

Dear family, friends & supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for April 2010

In case you have not been informed my mother's condition with cancer has taken a turn for the worse. It breaks my heart that such a peaceful true hearted woman has to endure yet another difficult challenge. She has been told that the best chance of fighting the cancer which has now spread to her liver, lungs and omentum area ( lower lymphnoids ) is to try chemo.

The chemo treatments were to begin on May 5th. However another complication has risen which needs to be addressed immediately.So please keep my mother in your prayers. She really needs them!

I appologize for such a late and short message, and promise to keep everyone better infomed by the middle of next month.

In closing, I thought this quote was quite profound. "May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten" (unknown).

Until next month, take care and remember; the answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love&Light to all,


Monday, March 22, 2010


Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

Welcome to my monthly message for March 2010!

I now understand a little of the mystery behind the World of Disney. What a place! When they say, "magic kingdom" they definitely mean magical. At first, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what was so special about Disney World and why everyone who goes there says its so special. But on the way home as I sat on the plane taking it all in, it struck me that everyone at Disney seems to be happy. I didn’t see any crying children and most of the adults seem to be happy too. Maybe it’s because the adults can actually forget about the stress and frustration of the world for a short moment in time? Regardless of what it is, that place definitely is magical! I recommend if you are ever given the chance to go, take advantage of the opportunity; because you won’t regret it. Some moments are breathtaking like the parade and fireworks.

Also, besides Kelley making this dream come true which was one of the best times for me in a long time, we were pleasantly surprised to learn that a good friend of mine (Terry) would be driving up from Sarasota with her friend, Ellen to meet us at Disney World. It just so happens that Ellen's niece works for Disney World so she was able to take us around and get us some special deals including getting one of us into the park for free. So a special thanks to Janice. I could go on and on about all the great things we did, but the bottom line is: Disney World truly is a magical place. Heck, the world would be a much more peaceful place if we could tap into our inner “Disney”.

On a different note, I know the world is moving at a fast pace, but when it comes to traffic--OMG! Yeah, "oh my god" as the kids would say. In my daily travels on and off cape to do some work, I've noticed some of the driving manners with people are crazy. I'm totally amazed that there are not more accidents. When you think about it, there are so many minds working simultaneously about the same thing execpt everyone has a different action for the perception they are viewing at that given moment. Don’t even get me started about who thought it would be a great idea to have a rotary with multiple entrances. Then, if that’s not bad enough, someone thought it would be a great idea to take a rotary and put it at the bottom of a bridge! Is it me or is that crazy? People merging on, people merging off, people going around its almost like playing a game of hot potato. If that’s not asking for someone to get into an accident, I don’t know what is. However, I shouldn’t complain; because the mere fact I can drive is a blessing. I will admit it can be overwhelming at times especially after being away from it for so long. As the old saying goes," we need to take time to smell the roses."

Well I hope everyone enjoyed St. Patrick's Day and if you are Irish remembered to wear green (my favorite color). Also, spring is here so keep an eye out for all the plant life in bloom. Remember it’s important to enjoy nature whenever you get the chance. Don’t take it for granted like I did.

In closing, I want to thank everyone once again for helping me get used to living life as a free man. I am extremely grateful for all your prayers too. Also, thank you to Pam, Donald, Diane, and Jim and Kelley for making it possible to buy a used truck. This would not have been possible without you.

There is no movie recommendation this month, because I haven’t had time to go to the movies; but I do look forward to seeing "Clash of the Titans" when I get the chance. Also, I look forward to watching some “oldies but goodies” with Kelley's children starting with Harry Potter.

My profound statement is: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". (anonymous)

Until next month, take care and remember; "The answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences".

Love & Light to all,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Michael O'Laughlin's Monthly Message - February 2010

Dear family, friends & supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for February 2010.

It’s been a long time but boy is it nice to feel true freedom again. I have to admit, I definitely took my freedom for granted. It’s probably the closest in comparability to taking your health for granted. Sometimes we don’t realize how good we have it until it’s gone. I know I will never take anything for granted again. And now when good things do happen in my life I will look at it as a bonus instead of an expectation.

After reading the latest article in the Berkshire Eagle I wasn’t surprised by the District Attorney’s comments; that’s who he is and he needs lots of prayer. However I was surprised by some of the comments on the Berkshire Eagle’s website in reference to the article. I was sad to learn how strong some people still feel. For anyone to think I was guilty based on the information they received from past papers and gossip and not the actual facts of what happened is sad. The level of ignorance for some to make such a strong decision and carry so much resentment was shocking. Then to go as far as saying my new girlfriend Kelley better look out because she will end up the next victim is just down right pathetic. Yeah, I'm convinced some people have some deep rooted issues that will hopefully be resolved later in their life. Bottom line is people who know me know that I'm innocent. For those of you who don’t-- remember GOD see’s all!

Personally, I believe peoples lives are too complicated with the things of the world and definitely to fast which partially explains why a lot of their frustration is guided in the wrong direction. Heck, now that I'm free I don’t even have enough time to get the things done that I need to get done in a day. How crazy is that? Time is extremely precious and that’s why kids always express wanting to spend time with their parents. I really believe you can equate "time" with "love". It seems the more time you spend with someone the stronger the bond and eventually the feeling of love evolves. It’s kind of cool when you think about it.

This brings me to the point I wanted to share with all of you about feeling blessed. Besides the overwhelming support & prayers from everyone which by the way is tremendous. I have been invited by Kelley and her daughters to go with them to Disney World. That is an unbelievable gift and act of kindness. So yes, after nine years of being in prison if someone says, "Michael you just received your freedom what are you going to do?" I can now say, "I'm going to Disney World!" I wish I could go with my daughters too but unfortunately that’s not an option. I have to work on reconnecting with them first and then the joy will follow. For now, I have to be thankful for the wonderful gift I have been given and be extremely grateful for Kelley and her daughters coming into my life. It will be nice to share next month about my journey to Disney World because I've never been. But I'm still a kid at heart like so many of us so I’m looking forward to having lots of fun.

To those of you who sent gift cards for tools---thank you so much! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness and it definitely helped. It’s going to take a while to get back on my feet but this time I am going to enjoy every minute of it and not take one breath for granted. Plus the tools have already helped with some small jobs and a big "thank you" to Belinda & Emory for getting me started with my first project. Also, if there is anyone who needs work done please let me know.

My movie recommendation is: "Avatar". I saw the movie with my mom who is doing much better and getting a little stronger by the day. I liked the movie so much that I took Kelley and her daughters the following week. The movie is a great film and based on a very simple principle---love. Love of the earth, love of the trees, love of the plants, love of the animals, love of the people, love of everything. It’s timely that James Cameron decided to show us what the Native Americans have been trying to show us for hundreds of years. Hopefully, we will get this simple but powerful message and start to change.

My profound quote is: "to your enemy give, forgiveness, to an opponent, tolerance, to a friend, your heart, to a customer, service, to all, charity, to a child, a good example, to yourself, respect." (Oren Arnold)

Until next month, take care and remember; "the answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love & Light to all,
Michael O'Laughlin

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Michael Monthly Message - January 2010

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for 2010!

Wow, what an unbelievable example of Divine Intervention! Finally, I am writing this monthly message as a free man. After nine long years of living a horrible experience I can now say, "It is over." And to think, my case had to make it all the way to the United States Supreme Court before I could finally be free.

To be honest with everyone, it still hasn't sunk in yet. It is hard to hear, "You are free" and feel the freedom instantly. The only way I can explain it is if you think back to a memory of letting a pet go after it has been held captive. Or, if you remember watching an animal program when they finally release the animal, bird, or fish into the wild it seems that the animal is sometimes reluctant or stunned at first. But freedom is of course very accepting and definitely easy to remember.

Also, I know that I wasn't mending a wing or healing an injury before being released back into the world which is probably more wild than what the animals have to deal with. But, I do want to share with everyone that making it through this experience wouldn't have been possible without the love and support of all of you. And yes even though I have a strong spiritual background I can truly appreciate everyone who came into my life. I will never forget everyone's true love, kindness and thoughtfulness.

Now, it's going to be a slow process of rebuilding my life but this time I will not take anything or anyone for granted. I have truly been blessed with a wonderful opportunity to start my life over. I can't wait to see my Dad and Aunt after nine long years; and eventually I hope to reunite with my daughters so they can finally hear the truth about everything that took place. Of course, it will be a slow and delicate process with my daughters but they have the right to know how much I love them and hopefully some part of their heart will want to reunite with me.

As far as my mom goes, thank you so much for all your prayers. She is getting stronger by the day and it’s really nice to see her getting back some of her strength--what a miracle! Although it is hard to feel so much joy when there has been so much destruction in Haiti. Please try to help them if you have the means or at least try to remember them in prayer. They too, are going to have to start over as well.

I want to thank all of you for your donations over the years and someday I plan on reimbursing everyone. However, I do have one more request seeing as someone sold every possession I owned, including all my tools that I acquired over 18 years. It would be most helpful if anyone could send a donation or gift card from Sears, so I can start up my building business again. I know it sounds crazy but tools are extremely expensive even used tools. With every ones help I will be able to start working on some small projects. A few people have already requested my services. It will be nice to finally start making a living and stop relying on everyone. Thank You!

Two quick shout outs. One is to my oldest daughter--Happy Birthday! And the second is to Dick Blanchard; thank you for all your diligence and serious devotion to my cause. The Lord truly blessed me when you came into my life and what an awesome website!

My movie recommendation is "The Mission" with Jeremy Irons, Robert Denaro and Iaam Neeson. This movie explains forgiveness on a scale that I didn’t think was possible. But, I'm glad I watched it because it helped me realize that even though it was hard to forgive D.A Capeless and some of the others who thought I was guilty, ultimately it was the right thing to do. Plain and simple there really is no greater power than love or forgiveness. And speaking of love, I will share more about the subject of love and my new girlfriend Kelley in next month’s message.

My profound quote was sent to me by my good friend Terry. "Forgiveness is primarily for our own sake, so that we no longer carry the burden of resentment. but to forgive does not mean we will allow injustice again.” (Jack Kornfield)

Sorry for the late monthly message. Until next month take care and remember; "The answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love & Light to all,

Michael O'Laughlin

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Berkshire Eagle Article - Michael O"Laughlin a Free Man

Article in the Berkshire Eagle about Michael's freedom. Sadly District Attorney David Capeless still doesn't get it. As expected he still refuses, after all these years that he made a mistake. How sad that the man has such an inflated ego that he can't admit his mistake. It is prosecutors like him that our justice system needs to be rid of. Mr. Capeless is to be prayed for and pitied.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Justice finally served

Today, January 19, 2010 will go down as one of the happiest days in Michael's life; for it was today the U.S. Supreme Court denied the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Writ of Certiorari thus letting the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruling stand.

After nine long years this nightmare is finally over, and Michael is a free man. This is a case that never should have been prosecuted and it is such injustice that an innocent man had to spend nine years in the prime of his life for a crime he never committed. During this ordeal Michael even lost his two daughters which is one of the tragedies of this case; hopefully they will reconnect with Michael and find out what a loving and caring Father he is. Michael's case represents what happens when a prosecutor cares more about his conviction record that finding justice. I have spent eight years working on Michael's case. I took the case thinking he was probably guilty, but after reading and studying every piece of evidence, discovery, photos and transcripts I knew beyond any doubt whatsoever that Michael was innocent and couldn't have possibly committed this crime. The police and prosecution choose Michael as their suspect, even when they had a more viable suspect and built a story to fit their suspect. They had absolutely no physical evidence whatsoever and the prosecutor even stated this in his opening statement to the jury. What he did was build a case on circumstantial evidence based on inference after inference after inference but nothing that could tie Michael to the crime scene and show his guilt. Fortunately the Massachusetts Court of Appeals, The First Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court saw through this deception and freed Michael.

You will hear over the next few days, weeks and months some people stating the Courts got it wrong and Michael is guilty, don't believe them. These people will state their misguided opinions without having any factual knowledge of the case and without reading or studying anything about Michael's case.The courts got it right, justice was finally served, and Michael was freed because he was innocent and always has been.

I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support during the past eight years. You have no idea how much they meant to Michael and how they helped him through this terrible ordeal. And yes your prayers and support kept me going and let me work on this case even though I knew the tremendous odds of overturning a wrongful conviction. Let's pray that Michael's landmark decision will help other wrongfully convicted prisoners get their fair shot in the federal courts so they too can find justice.

God bless you,


9 year nightmare finally over - Michael freed

Today, January 19, 2010 will go down as one of the happiest days in Michael's life. For it was today that the U.S. Supreme Court denied the Commonwealth of Mass. petition for Writ of Certoriari thus letting the order by the First Circuit Court of Appeals stand freeing Michael and stating his innocence.

More to follow later.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support, they really helped.

God bless you,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Supreme Court Update


As most of you know Michael's case was to be conferenced at the Supreme Court on Friday, January 8, 2010 with a decision today (1/11/10) by the court to grant or deny the Commonwealth's petition to hear Michael's case. This did not happen. The new date for conference is this Friday, January 15, 2010 with a decision by the court scheduled next Monday (1/18/10). There are two other cases in front of the court that are nearly the same as Michael's case and both of these cases are scheduled for the same conference on January 15th, so I would expect a decision from the court to accept or deny Michael's case on the 18th. We are hoping and praying they do not take Michael's case. If that is the ruling Michael will be a free man which is the only just decision there is.

This week I ask for your prayers and maybe some extra prayers for Michael.

I'll keep you updated on this blog and the web site.

God bless you!
