Sunday, January 24, 2010

Michael Monthly Message - January 2010

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:

Welcome to my monthly message for 2010!

Wow, what an unbelievable example of Divine Intervention! Finally, I am writing this monthly message as a free man. After nine long years of living a horrible experience I can now say, "It is over." And to think, my case had to make it all the way to the United States Supreme Court before I could finally be free.

To be honest with everyone, it still hasn't sunk in yet. It is hard to hear, "You are free" and feel the freedom instantly. The only way I can explain it is if you think back to a memory of letting a pet go after it has been held captive. Or, if you remember watching an animal program when they finally release the animal, bird, or fish into the wild it seems that the animal is sometimes reluctant or stunned at first. But freedom is of course very accepting and definitely easy to remember.

Also, I know that I wasn't mending a wing or healing an injury before being released back into the world which is probably more wild than what the animals have to deal with. But, I do want to share with everyone that making it through this experience wouldn't have been possible without the love and support of all of you. And yes even though I have a strong spiritual background I can truly appreciate everyone who came into my life. I will never forget everyone's true love, kindness and thoughtfulness.

Now, it's going to be a slow process of rebuilding my life but this time I will not take anything or anyone for granted. I have truly been blessed with a wonderful opportunity to start my life over. I can't wait to see my Dad and Aunt after nine long years; and eventually I hope to reunite with my daughters so they can finally hear the truth about everything that took place. Of course, it will be a slow and delicate process with my daughters but they have the right to know how much I love them and hopefully some part of their heart will want to reunite with me.

As far as my mom goes, thank you so much for all your prayers. She is getting stronger by the day and it’s really nice to see her getting back some of her strength--what a miracle! Although it is hard to feel so much joy when there has been so much destruction in Haiti. Please try to help them if you have the means or at least try to remember them in prayer. They too, are going to have to start over as well.

I want to thank all of you for your donations over the years and someday I plan on reimbursing everyone. However, I do have one more request seeing as someone sold every possession I owned, including all my tools that I acquired over 18 years. It would be most helpful if anyone could send a donation or gift card from Sears, so I can start up my building business again. I know it sounds crazy but tools are extremely expensive even used tools. With every ones help I will be able to start working on some small projects. A few people have already requested my services. It will be nice to finally start making a living and stop relying on everyone. Thank You!

Two quick shout outs. One is to my oldest daughter--Happy Birthday! And the second is to Dick Blanchard; thank you for all your diligence and serious devotion to my cause. The Lord truly blessed me when you came into my life and what an awesome website!

My movie recommendation is "The Mission" with Jeremy Irons, Robert Denaro and Iaam Neeson. This movie explains forgiveness on a scale that I didn’t think was possible. But, I'm glad I watched it because it helped me realize that even though it was hard to forgive D.A Capeless and some of the others who thought I was guilty, ultimately it was the right thing to do. Plain and simple there really is no greater power than love or forgiveness. And speaking of love, I will share more about the subject of love and my new girlfriend Kelley in next month’s message.

My profound quote was sent to me by my good friend Terry. "Forgiveness is primarily for our own sake, so that we no longer carry the burden of resentment. but to forgive does not mean we will allow injustice again.” (Jack Kornfield)

Sorry for the late monthly message. Until next month take care and remember; "The answers to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences."

Love & Light to all,

Michael O'Laughlin

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