Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 2009 Monthly Message

It looks like March has come in like a lion and has remained a lion throughout. I’ve been shoveling some heavy snow this month, because it has been mixed with sleet and slush. I guess this comes with the territory. Regardless, I still love it.

Okay, enough about weather because I’m sure everyone is ready for spring. This reminds me of the Spring Equinox. We had a nice visit from Raven during our Saturday morning Native American Spiritual Circle Group. Raven (a Native American volunteer) usually visits once a month and always shares words of wisdom. While visiting, he told a quick, but very powerful story about a young Native American boy and the boy’s first day of school. He explained how the boy, along with the rest of the class had to stand so they could learn how to say “The Pledge of Allegiance”. The boy sat down and felt proud. He went on with the rest of his day and really felt good about his accomplishment. When the following day came, the class had to stand so they could say “The Pledge of Allegiance” again, but the Native American boy would not stand. The teacher was very concerned and came over and asked him why he would not stand to say “The Pledge of Allegiance” with the rest of the class. The boy responded with a confident, “I don’t need to”. The teacher was kind of befuddled with his response so she politely asked, “Why don’t you want to say “The Pledge of Allegiance?” He responded with a profound statement: “My word is my bond!” In other words, the fact he said it once was good enough. His family had taught him how important his word was. Therefore, it was not necessary to repeat “The Pledge of Allegiance” everyday. I liked this story, and I hope it touched some of you as well. I think we have gotten too far away from the importance of our word. I know I’ve been working very hard on keeping my word no matter what the venture. Although, I wish I had done a little better when I was still married and had a family, but it seems hindsight is always 20/20.

Speaking of marriage, did everyone hear that Tom Brady of The New England Patriots married Gisele Bundchen, the former Victoria Secret super model? It is amazing that she makes over 30 million dollars a year, and Tom Brady only makes 10 million dollars. I guess it does pay to be beautiful. I was just glad to hear that Tom’s son and his former girlfriend, Bridget Moynihan were at the wedding too. It’s more evidence that people can still be friends – kind of like Bruce Willis with Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. However, I was surprised by their February 26th wedding date. I thought my wedding date of February 25th was unique, but I guess not. Probably California February dates are quite common. All in all, I hope things work out for them.

Now it is time to take a moment to thank everyone for writing such nice letters to Jack Dew at The Berkshire Eagle. It made me realize that I’m still loved very much even though sometimes I feel like I’m in the depths of Hell. Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I did not forget how thoughtful and kind everyone was for donating money to hire a private investigator. We were able to receive some valuable information, and if my decision in the Federal Courts in not favorable, the information will be helpful when filing a Rule 30 motion. I’m still hoping for Divine Intervention, and a good decision from the Federal Court.

Last but not least, I want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day especially all you Irish folk. I want to give a special “Happy Birthday” shout out to Diane Blaszka. I hope you had a wonderful day!

My movie recommendation is: “Eagle Eye” with Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monagan, Billy Bob Thornton, Rosario Dawson, and Michael Chickless. It is definitely an adrenaline rush of action, but I don’t know how probable. Although I admit, I’m on multiple cameras at all times except for when I’m in my cell, and you guys would probably be shocked at how many cameras you are on at any given moment. It makes you think.

My profound quote is: “When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it is not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.” (Stephanie Meyer/Twilight)

Until next month, take care and remember: The key to the mysteries of life hide in the pain of our most difficult experiences.

Love and Light to ALL,

Michael O’Laughlin

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