Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thoughts from Michael

The following was written the night of June 10th from Michael's Emotional Awareness class. This was the night before the decision from the first circuit court was announced reversing his conviction.


June 11, 2009

Dear Inner Child:

I see that you are still very sad. Is there any way I can help? I really miss the old you. Do you remember how full of life you were? I'm sorry you experienced some really difficult times, but you did have some good times too. Over the years there have been many who have tried to cheer you up and it's quite apparent that it was to no avail.

Inner child, I can't emphasize how important it is for you to break free from the depression you're in and realize it could be worse. You must be grateful for what you have and stop dwelling in the past and try to enjoy the present moment. Otherwise, it will eventually start affecting your health.

What if I were to tell you that what you are experiencing in this life is all just a lesson to make you a stronger individual. The loss you feel for your daughters and the rest of your family will be restored some day. And whether it's in this life or another you will see them again. But as sad as you are, you must never forget how loved you are, you are very special.

Please just try and remember: some lessons in life cannot be taught, they must be lived to be learned. When you are ready to talk about all that you lost and forgive those who betrayed and abandoned you, I will be here waiting with an open heart. Then, I can show you the beauty that still remains in the wonderful journey your life will bring.

Light & Love
Your External Friend

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